Covid Update 04.01.21

4th January 2021

Dear parents/carers


With the announcement this evening from Boris Johnson, informing us of a national lockdown and the closure of all schools, I am writing to inform you of the closure of both of our schools with immediate effect for most pupils. We will be open to the children of critical workers and those from vulnerable families from 0900 to 1530 from Monday to Friday and from tomorrow. If you are unsure whether your family falls into either of these categories, please click the link below where you will find a definition:

If you are a critical worker and there is another adult in the household who can look after your child whilst you are at work then your child should stay at home. If you are a critical worker and have no childcare and would like a place at school then please click the link below and complete the form to book a place for your child. Please do this as soon as possible so we can plan for staffing levels and school meals provision.

If you fall into the vulnerable family category, please click on the link below and complete the form as soon as possible so we can plan for staffing levels and school meals provision.

If your child is eligible for free school meals then I will get more information out to you as soon as we know what is happening. Sorry if this communication seems brief and harsh but we really need those numbers in so we can plan for the children who need to attend and for those who will stay at home. Remote/blending learning will commence for all pupils from tomorrow. If you have any queries at all then please don’t hesitate to contact me on and I will do my best to provide the right support or information for you.

Take care everyone, stay safe and I will be in touch soon with more information.

Paula Blackburn